What does CMUNNY stand for?

CMUNNY stands for the Columbia Model United Nations in New York.

What is CIRCA?

CIRCA stands for the Columbia International Relations Council and Association. It is a student-run international relations organization in Columbia University. CMUNNY is one of the branches of CIRCA along with CMUNCE – our high school conference, CESIMS – our non-profit branch, the Columbia Model United Nations Travel Team, CIRCA's Academics and Foreign Affairs Board, Columbia Political Review and Social Marketing Board. 

Who can attend CMUNNY?

CMUNNY is a collegiate conference. All delegates must be enrolled in a US accredited undergraduate institution or an international equivalent. All delegates must be at least 18 years old. No exceptions will be made to this rule.

How can delegates register for the conference?

Registration is now open! You can find more information here. If you have any questions, please contact communications@columbiamun.org.

Is there an attendance fee?

Yes. The fee varies depending on the registration timeline and whether the delegate is registering as an individual or as a group. More information on attendance fees can be found on our website here.

Where will the conference be held?

The conference will be held on the Columbia University campus in New York City on multiple locations on campus.

Are living accommodations provided by CMUNNY?

CMUNNY XIX is working to secure promo-codes with nearby hotels, however delegations are encouraged to use the vast number of accommodation options in and around NYC.

Can I get involved with CMUNNY without registering as a delegate?

Yes! We are also seeking Columbia students to staff the conference as chairs, vice-chairs, crisis analysts, and crisis directors. Please email communications@columbiamun.org for more information. Please note, per conference policy, we do not allow staffers from out of Columbia.

Who can I contact for more information?

If you have more questions, please contact Jamie Wenzel at secretary.general@columbiamun.org or Lika Gegenava at director.general@columbiamun.org.