CMUNNY is a conference that incorporates all types of committees, including both crisis and general. Since its inception, CMUNNY has been well-known for its creative and diverse committees that reflect the spirit of diplomacy and cultural values that are inherent to our city.


New Empire: Atlantic City (Crisis)

Approximate Committee Size: 15

An unprecedented gathering of criminal masterminds convenes in the bustling beach resort of Atlantic City. These are not your average mobsters—they are the architects of organized crime in America, brought together by the alarming rise in violence and the impending end of Prohibition. As the nation grapples with the chaos of gangland killings and the looming threat of federal crackdowns, these underworld figures must navigate power struggles, forge new alliances, and decide the future of their vast illegal empires. With the fate of the criminal underworld at stake, the Atlantic City Conference stands as a pivotal moment where the rules of organized crime are rewritten.

Japan Diet: 1960s (Crisis)

Approximate Committee Size: 15

An assassination of a left-wing populist? Social turmoil across the country as protesters attack their conservative government’s willingness to wage war? Those same protesters attacking the dangers of American imperialism? The United States was not only the nation undergoing widespread social change during the 1960s. An island nation across the Pacific had its own 1968 as early as 1960 (and another 1968 in 1968). On the back of a merger in 1955, the Liberal Democratic Party has held the reins of the Japanese Government for the past 5 years. But their tenure is not without challenges. Having been first forced into demilitarization and democratization by a dictated American treaty following the last world war, Japan struggles not only with the question of the upcoming treaty renegotiation but the viability of its democratic institutions. An especially frightening prospect to the Japanese Socialist Party and many younger, college-age people throughout the country inflamed by the very thought of continued, or even expanded, American intervention into Japanese affairs. A nation still reeling from the fallout of war will come to question how any democracy can survive under so many threats.

The Western Schism: 1414–1418 (crisis)

Approximate Committee Size: 15

As the Catholic Church teeters on the brink of fragmentation, over 400 of Europe’s most influential religious figures gather in Constance, Germany, to settle the Western Schism. Three rival popes, backed by powerful kingdoms, each lay claim to the papacy, threatening to plunge the continent into war. The Council of Constance must navigate this perilous terrain, balancing the demands of secular rulers with the need for internal reform. The stakes are high: the council’s decisions will determine not only the future of the Church but also the fate of Europe itself, as tensions between Christian kingdoms and the lingering threat of pagan forces loom large.

World Health Organization: MPOX (General Assembly)

Approximate Committee Size: 45

The World Health Organization was founded to confront and tackle the most prescient public health issues facing our world. These threats know no borders or governments and thus require an unparalleled level of international cooperation to address. The COVID 19 pandemic offers us an opportunity to reflect on the success and pitfalls of our public health system to ensure that the next crisis is addressed better than the last. As the body has just designated mpox as a PHEIC that time has come and it is the responsibility of each member state to rise to this moment

dune: rEVOLUTION (Crisis)

Approximate Committee Size: 15

In the aftermath of the cataclysmic events on the desert planet Arrakis, Paul Atreides,the enigmatic leader of the Fremen and heir to House Atreides, has boldly declared himself Emperor of the Known Universe, sending shockwaves through the galaxy and shattering the delicate balance of the Great Houses. With Arrakis firmly under his control and the limitless power of the Spice Melange at his command, tensions rise. Now, as the echoes of war and prophecy resound across the cosmos, the stage is set for a high-stakes confrontation, where delegates must navigate treacherous waters—crafting alliances, plotting betrayals, and forging strategies that will determine the fate of empires. The galaxy teeters on the brink, and the choices made in these perilous moments will shape the future of all.

AD HOC (General Assembly)

Approximate Committee Size: 30

The topic for this committee will be withheld until the first committee session.

AD HOC (Crisis)

Approximate Committee Size: 15

The topic for this committee will be withheld until the first committee session.